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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Review: NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

NIVEA - for lips that love to talk, smile, laugh and kiss.
NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

These past few weeks my lips were very dry because of the changing weather. Last April 27, 2012, I had to pass all the needed requirements for my job application. I had to wait for my sister until 6pm, so I went to Landmark to look for my office skirts. Of course, a trip to Landmark will not be complete without going to the Beauty Section. I saw the NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm (FOR ONLY 79.75PHP) and bit my dry lips. I told myself that this could be the answer to my lip problem! Let's get started!

About the product: Ingredients:
About - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Ingredients - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

Product Up Close!
NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm Manufacturing Date - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm BELOW: Manufacturing Date.

NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Twist type lip balm. Size of the product inside the container.

Lips Before - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Lips Before - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

Lips BEFORE (with product on):
Lips Before with NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Lips Before with NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

Lips AFTER 2 Weeks:
Lips After - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Lips After - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

I don't know if you can see the difference. Just to be sure, I'll show the BEFORE and AFTER pictures again side by side.


Lips Before - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm
Lips After - NIVEA Essential Care Lip Balm

Verdict Time!

What I love:

  • THE SCENT!! Gosh! It smells so yummy, like vanilla candy!
  • The feeling while the product was on my lips. It's not sticky/greasy. It has a creamy texture.
  • We all know that using matte lipstick tends to dry our lips. Just use this as your base and  you can layer on your favorite matte lipstick without any worries of getting dry lips.

What I hate:

  • The product was too soft. When I glide it on my lips the whole stick was also moving to the sides. I checked the bottom of the product and saw a crack. Boohoo! :(
SCORE: 8.5/10

What's your favorite Lip Balm?
Comment Below! :)

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty nice review.
    I bought one but it doesn't write any date under. So I don't know when it will be expired.
    Thank you for the post.
