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Sunday, April 1, 2012

DIY: Etude House Bubble Hair Coloring in Sweet Orange

Raindrops Despite the rains these past few days, it did not stop me from thinking about this SUMMER! I went to the mall and have the urge to color my hair. I immediately visited Etude House Southmall Branch to grab one of their Bubble Hair Coloring for only 378Php. I wanted the Natural Brown color but unfortunately it was out of stock. :( The available colors that day were Deep Black, Wine Red and Sweet Orange. My first Bubble Hair Coloring was in Wine Red but there was no drastic change. :| So I tried the Sweet Orange.
Credits to: for the photo. 

Let's Start! What's inside the box?
  1. Pink sachet. - Hair Color
  2. Pump bottle. - Mysterious Liquid, the Oxidizer
  3. Lavender sachet. - Amazing Treatment
  4. Mini booklet. - Instructions written in Korean.  :( Not helpful at all. 
  5. Mini Zip Lock. - Gloves and Plastic Cape
Inside the Bubble hair coloring box.

Directions, How to use, Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Directions, Caution, Main Ingredient and Contents. Located outside the box.

Gloves and Cape, Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Put on the gloves and plastic cape. Messy hair. I know. :( Forgive me.
Hair Color, Pump Bottle with Oxidizer - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Hair Color, Pump Bottle with Oxidizer - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Pour the (1) Hair Color in the (2) Pump Bottle with Oxidizer. Close the Pump Bottle.
STEP 3:                                                             STEP 4:
Hair Color, Pump Bottle with Oxidizer - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange White bubbles - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
DO NOT SHAKE!! Just do this 5 - 6 times only. I'm watching Kris TV while doing this. Haha. Pump the bottle and you're ready to go! Sorry for the FACE! I look STUPID i know. :(
Waiting Game is ON!
Waiting Game - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Wait for 30 mins - 1 hour before washing.

My Hair Before - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange My Hair Before - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange

My Hair After - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange My Hair After - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange My Hair After - Bubble Hair Color by Etude House in Sweet Orange
Result: After washing my hair with the Treatment. Natural Lighting. My hair color AFTER. Can you see the color change? Natural Lighting. Sorry for the POOR camera. More obvious color change. Yey! :)
Verdict Time!

What I love:

  • The BUBBLE formula. No need to use a comb/brushes for even application. You just lather it on your hair like you're shampooing. So easy! 
  • The SCENT. I don't know if it's just me or anything but at first it smells like a flower but after a while the scent turns stronger. Like the smell in salon when they dye your hair. 
  • The Gloves and Plastic Cape. It's all in 1 box. Everything you need is provided for you.
  • The A-Mazing Lavender Treatment. It smells so sweet and very calming to your senses. It turns your hair very soft and manageable after wash.

What I hate:

  • The Mini Booklet. Well, I know this product is from Korea and maybe that's the reason why the instruction booklet is written in korean. For me, it didn't help me at all.
  • The Stinging sensation. Maybe it's just me but I had a stinging sensation while applying it on my hair. I really have a sensitive scalp.
  • The Plastic Cape. I know it's on my "What I love" BUT the cape is not sturdy and I stained my tank top even if I had the plastic cape on. Weird.
SCORE: 9/10

My Advice:

  • For even application, section your hair. Start from the bottom hair then just add hair from the top little by little. 
  • If you have dark color hair for base and you want the color to show more, leave the solution for  1 hr. Just like what I did.
  • NOTE TO EVERYONE: If you're going to start applying the hair color you should CHANGE your top with something you wont use anymore.
  • DON'T THROW the excess formula! Apply everything on your hair! Don't forget your sideburns and the baby hairs around your forehead.
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